Buildings of Note
T.H.M. Colledge (1861 – 1954) was an accomplished and respected photographer who plied his trade in Innerleithen from the 1890s until 1940, when he moved to Edinburgh. His photographs of Innerleithen and the surrounding environs, many of which were used as postcards, are a valuable historical source for viewing our past. Four examples, all taken around 1900, are:
Caerlee House c.1900
Caerlee House – built in 1865 and owned for many years by members of the mill-owning Ballantyne family. The original Elizabethan-style house designed by the architect David Bryce was subsequently altered/extended in 1878 and 1913. More recently it was converted into two dwellings – Caerlee House East and Caerlee House West. It lies in an attractive woodland setting on the south side of Caerlee Hill.
Glen House from South c.1900
Glen House – This was another David Bryce design which was completed in 1858 for the industrial entrepreneur Charles Tennant. The splendid Scottish baronial-style mansion was partially destroyed by fire in 1905. It was restored in a manner sympathetic to the original design by the architect Robert Lorimer. It remains the property of the Glenconnor family.
Former Mansion Glenormiston c.1900 now demolished
Glenormiston House – The earliest mansion at Glenormiston was built by owner William Hunter in 1805. This was greatly altered by publisher and one-time Lord Provost of Edinburgh, William Chambers, who held the estate from 1849 until his death in 1883. Michael Grieve Thorburn, head of Walter Thorburn of Peebles, woollen manufacturers, and his family lived at Glenormiston from then until 1925 during which time the policies were a popular venue for fetes and picnics. The mansion was demolished in the 1950s and replaced with a modern family house.
Traquair House from SE c.1900
Traquair House – There has been a building on this site for over a thousand years. It was originally a lodge house serving the royal hunt in Ettrick Forest and gradually evolved over the centuries into a fortified dwelling house. Owned by the Stuarts from the fifteenth century onwards assumed the form recognisable today from the time of Charles, 1st Earl of Traquair, during the reign of James I and Charles I. The “oldest continuously inhabited house in Scotland” was much frequented by royalty in the past, most famously Mary, Queen of Scots. Traquair remains in the care of the Earl’s descendants and the historic edifice and gardens are a popular tourist attraction.